We’re living in the 21st century and still talking about equality. Equality in race, relations, gender, religion and so on..
For me as the founder of the #UNITEDWEARE brand, this needs to stop.
When we see each other, we need to see each other as an equal human being. Find unity in what unites us. Stop hating, stop putting people away, because they don’t look like you. Stop picking on one population, a religion, or a skin color.
Let’s reach out to each other and see each other as equal human beings.
What is the best example to see that we need to do it together? The answer is Sports. By creating a shirt that represents a country. A shirt that is made for everyone to wear. We have competitions in sports, where we can learn about each others team, each others country code, the culture, the humans and what unites us as people. While we can unite, laugh, share, find common ground and respect one another.
Let’s unite, bring peace and love in the world. We have our national shirts, but we still can see and respect another country or person. Join the movement of unity. Join #UNITEDWEARE shirts!